Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally here!!

So it's only been a week (wow O.o) since I got here, and I feel like I've been away from home for a month!
I got pretty lucky with all my lost baggage, window or aisle seats the whole time, and not-overweight-fat-spills-into-your-seat people sitting next to me.

The orientations (plural 'cause there were like 50) were both kind of boring and kind of fun. Either way, they were pretty necessary, so I can't blame them for having 500.
All the other NSLI-Y kids are really cool...I've made lots of friends, and we already went to 노래방 (noraebang)...aka karaoke ~~ We took sticker pictures too...I'll try to scan some in and post them when I get them back from my friend.

My host family (met them yesterday!) is really nice. If I didn't mention it before, it consists of a mom, a dad, a 13 yr-old girl, a 15 yr-old son, and a 15- yr-old nephew. They're really really nice and easy to get along with, but I secretly feel really bad for not knowing any more Korean to communicate with them >___<
In light of that, I've taken to carrying my dictionary with me everywhere I go and opening it whenever I have free time. Maybe when school starts I'll get all the particles and conjugations right?

Seoul is really really cool....but I'll talk more about it later. I hope everyone's doing well back home :)

~Kat ^_~

1 comment:

  1. It took Alugren..a season without the aid of dictionary!!
