Thursday, July 7, 2011

Getting Lost

So yesterday I had my first "getting absolutely lost" experience. I think I was almost in tears (actually was) by the time my host mom picked me up. Sadly, when I think about it, if I kept my head, I could've gotten home -eventually- on my own. I think it was the old guy saying (in Korean) "you're nowhere near there" when I asked him how to get back to my neighbourhood. (It was a LIE. I was like a 5-minute bus ride away!)

So basically what happened was:
Everything was going totally fine. I got to 구파발 (Gupabal) station (the station closest to my apartment) totally fine...and then realised I didn't know what bus to take. I'd never actually gone straight home from anywhere...I always went to my host parents' Robot Academy and then we drove home from there. My host mom had said that all the buses from our apartment went to the I figured if I took a bus going in the direction of the apartment, I'd be good to go.
Only I went the WRONG WAY.

When I realised, I was already pretty far away (those bus driver go fast), so I got off at the next stop and tried to find a bus going back. But I couldn't find one. Sooooo I walked a lot, asked a bunch of not-helpful people for directions in Korean (most either glared or ignored me...or gave me the wrong instructions) and eventually, by absolute chance, found myself at the Robot Academy. But it was closed 'cause everyone had already gone home.
So I did the only thing I thought I could do: called my mom. She came like five minutes later to find me in tears and eating some random onigiri (hey, comfort food is good). Secretly, I think she probably thinks I'm an idiot for getting lost when I was so close to getting home...but oh well. At least she came and picked me up <3
Turns out if I had taken the next bus from Gupabal and not the first one, I would've gotten home 100% A-okay. FML.
But it was a good experience! and now I know my way around the complete outskirts of Seoul! ^-^;;

(hopefully it never happens again).


1 comment:

  1. Everyone has this experience one time if not more in their life. It is totally terrifying in another country and different language. In that state of fear all your nerves were tested....hence the tears!...then to be happy to feel safe again. For me landmarks helped a lot when I was in Athens when it happened to me and boy did I eat a lot that evening!!!
