Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coffee, Coffee, Everywhere! ;)

Hey guygs!!
So all of the NSLI-Y (pronounced NISS-lee, by the way) are assigned to a university student (3 of us to 1 of them) who is called our "supporter" and is supposed to both teach us to speak Korean and how to get around Seoul.
When we first met, we went to 노래방 (noraebang)...which is the Korean version of Karaoke as well as a market which...I pathetically can't remember the name of (blame the jetlag). But the pictures were pretty!

This morning at 10 was our first meeting with mine, Kim Duri, but I, being the smart and punctual person, kind of arrived at the meeting place (명동 Myeongdong) about 1.5 hours early? Talk about nothing to do. So I decided to walk around and look at some shops...only they were all closed. It seems like nothing opens before 10 or 11 here...except for Starbucks. When I first arrived in Korea, I decided that I wouldn't go to any American places and that I'd only eat Korean food. Plans failed. But I have to say, that Strawberry Creme Frappuccino was pretty great...better than any I've had in the states. Oh, and a bonus? I ordered completely in Korean (20 points to Kat ^-^)
 Strawberries are the best <3

By the way, I totally forgot to mention....TAMS dorms definitely beat Columbia dorms. They had tile floors (like bathroom ones) and their walls, which I'm sure used to be pearly white at some point, kind of look like they're out of a horror film or something. But that's just me being picky. The dorms were actually pretty nice :)  Did I mention their dining hall completely beats UNT dining halls? In appearance, anyways. Breakfast at Bruce will always be the best (especially their scrambled eggs...Columbia scrambled eggs don't even compare).
Sorry for the somewhat misplaced photos....one of these days I'll get the hang of this system...
That's some pretty wood right there...might I point out the chandeliers?

OH!!!! So I met someone FAMOUS yesterday!! Maybe not to most of you, but some drama-lovers might've heard of him. Nam Goong-min...he was in Can You Hear My Heart? (no, I actually didn't know him...but the Korean media doesn't know that!)
So basically what happened was....I was walking around the shops near 이화 (E-hwa) University with some friends and suddenly we come across this crossroads with ridiculous amounts of Korean girls just...standing there. So using our awesome Korean skills, we eventually found out that they were waiting for a Korean actor named Nam Goongmin. The dude finally came and there was this huge stampede of asian girls racing after this guy...so naturally, we did what any other highschool girl would do when finding 1000 other highschool girls chasing after something...we followed them! Somehow, me and my friend Elaine ended up standing right in the inner circle of the poor guy....and seeing that we were foreigners, the camera crew asked us to go to the middle of the circle and meet the guy!! It was actually kind of embarrassing 'cause the tv lady kept asking us questions in Korean and we didn't really have answers 'cause we had noooo idea what she was saying. (We also had no idea who Nam Goongmin was...but errr...yeah. They didn't know that ^^;;)
But HEY! I got to shake a hot&famous guy's hand over a bajillion Korean screaming fangirls just 'cause I'm a fob! Another 20 points? I think yes~
No pics 'cause I forgot my camera, but my friend Christina took a video of a bit of the whole thing...I'm tagged in it on Facebook, if you want to see ^^
Oh, and here's the guy if you want a picture...http://asianmediawiki.com/Nam_Gung-Min

So, all in all, it's only Tuesday and I've met a famous guy, had some really good Starbucks, went to a Korean market, sung a bunch of random songs, and been made a fool of (but an extremely happy one) on Korean TV. Week made? I think so <3

~Kat ^_~

1 comment:

  1. i love the visuals!! This was agreat idea of yours i get to experience with out leaving my office!
