Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Most Famous Food of Korea!

So I confess: despite being in Korea for 6 weeks and loving the language...I'm not really all too fond of kimchi. It's not that I don't like it...I just don't it. It's definitely not on my "favourite food" list.
For those of you that don't know what kimchi is: you're definitely missing out on the Korean experience. Koreans have this stuff for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the snacks in between. It's like rice; they have it for every meal and can never get enough of it. (except I  like rice...not so much the other...)

But anyays! Onto my point. So today I went to COEX mall with my friends Elaine and Christina. COEX is apparently Asia's largest underground shopping mall (straight from wikipedia)...which sounds kind of suspicious, but this place was legit. It's HUGE. I got lost, but luckily there were touchscreen maps all over the place (so hightech, right?). They even have an aquarium! -and as it also happens: a kimchi museum.
We only had two hours before we had to head back to school, so we decided to go to the kimchi museum (it was cheaper too...what can I say? We're Asia. Cheap = better).

Only after we got inside did we realise that we weren't actually interested in all the types of kimchi and how they came to exist...or really anything about kimchi...
But the photo ops were great! ^^;;
I love ceiling mirrors~
L-R: Me, Christina, Elaine

This is mainly why xP
L-R: Me, Elaine, Christina

There was this mildly creepy statue woman thing and you were supposed to pose while she fed you kimchi...
Elaine went first~

But Christina doesn't like Kimchi at all xD
So yes. All in all, it was definitely worth the 3,000 won ($3) it took to get into the museum. I think Christina took a video or two of us in there as maybe find her on youtube and you might see me?

Other than that, we really only had time to eat lunch and take a quick stop in a bookstore...where I found the whole series that I'm reading. GG for international shipping...I never thought they'd have it.

Pretty good stuff. The first book is Wizard's First Rule. If you're bored, go read it! ^-^
So, on an ending note, I'll leave you guys with a typical sign from the subway:

Just saying: that would suck if that happened to your bag...

Miss you guys :)
~Kat ^_~

1 comment:

  1. So you are steeped in Kimchi!!mmmm I like your tadpole like fish!!
