Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend with the Family~

So this weekend was pretty awesome~
Not only did I find out that my family is comprised of night owls (we went to Home Plus, which is kind of like Walmart, at 1 AM and then proceeded to have a party at home with the food we bought), but we also went to some nice NIGHT! Which just makes everything like 20 times cooler.

So first we went to this one-one mountain thing with an observation tower thing? Sorry I don't really have any more information...I was kind of confused when they told me the name of the place (as per usual). But I haz pictures!!

The Observation "Tower" thingy? It's 8-sided :D

L-R:  Soungyun (bro), Anna (sis), Me, Omoni (mom), and UkByeong (cousin...but pretty much bro)

Haha poor Anna xD
After spending a little bit of time looking at the city of Seoul at midnight (It was pretty...but no good pictures 'cause the lighting was horrible. Plus, there were clouds 'cause of the rain, so you could only see a little),
 we went to 한강 (Han Gang...the Han River) and had midnight snacks and a bit of fun chasing each other around.

I love these guys <3

Abojii (Father) getting a piggyback ride from about role reversal xP

I have no idea how they did this...
So my weekend was great. (and I topped it off this morning with meeting some Indian people at a Foreign Food Market and eating some Indian food in Itaewon...home of lots of foreign things. Now I know how to deal with any culture shock I might have later...go to Itaewon and hang out with my brown friends and eat some Mutter Paneer!! Om nom nom <3
My amazingly tasty brunch <3

So it's Monday, and I'm happy to be back at school so I can learn more Korean, but the weekends are definitely something to look forward to with this awesome family. I can't even hope to express how happy I am that this family has welcomed me into their home for 6 weeks, but I still hope they realise how overjoyed I am to be with them. :)

Seeya later~


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