Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey guys!
So I've decided to start a blog documenting my trip to Korea since I'll be off Facebook for the next 6 weeks. I'll do my best to keep up with blogging...can't make any promises, though...

The program/scholarship is called NSLI-Y or "National Security Language Institute for Youth" (mouthful, right?). Basically, what that means is that the government is paying for me to go study Korean and have an awesome time all the way across the world  :)

I'm going with a group of about 53 (I think?) other high school students from the U.S.. This Sunday we leave for NYC for our Pre-Departure Orientation, or PDO. We get to stay at Columbia for 3-4 days!! (-gasp-) Yay for saving money on at least one college visit, right? ;)
I'm really excited 'cause I've never been to New York, and I've always wanted to go...

-oh! and on a side note: I finally got information over who I'll be living with this summer! It's a family of five...a mom, a dad, two 16 year-old sons, and one 13 yr-old daughter. They seem like a cool bunch, but I haven't really spoken with them yet :/
I sent them an email in English (my Korean is too poor right now >.<), but they haven't replied, so I can only assume they either (1) don't check their email too often, or (2) can't actually speak English fluently enough to write back. If the first, that's cool. If the second...well, I'm kind of screwed, but it's all in the name of learning, right? ^^;;

Now time to pack  . ______ .

~Kat ^_~


  1. Hey Kat! I remember learning about this program last year, and thinking: "This would be really, really awesome." But it was during my senior year, and not only was my mother uncomfortable with me going to a foreign country for so long (curse protectiveness!) but it didn't fit in the plan of my senior summer. I'm really glad that you got the opportunity to do this where I didn't, and I know how grateful you are for the opportunity. I'm especially glad that you're one of the people going, because I know you won't squander the wealth of great experiences that will open up to you. I wish you luck! :D
