Saturday, July 16, 2011


No, I didn't eat them :(
But they were pretty to look at!!

So today a bunch of friends and I returned to that huge underground mall, COEX, and went to the aquarium inside! I have to say, they got pretty creative when it comes to water tank placement. A few examples...
Inside a refridgerator...

Inside a fire extinguisher...

and a washing machine!
Inside a vending machine!

...and a don't forget the typical telephone box, diver and all~

 So yeah! It was pretty cool...they had a water tunnel and penguins and jellyfish and everything. The place was absolutely packed with people (almost as much as the train xD)...crying babies and all. But I think we managed to seee just about everything. A few more highlights:
Best sign of the year!
The picture I got was a bit blurry...but the picture of the turtle's description makes everything all better ;D                       read it if you dare ^_~

the best animal there...this fuzzy turtle plushie. omg it's so fluffy.

So yeah! My day was pretty long...the train ride there takes 1.5-2 hours alone. It was definitely worth it though...and I've fallen in love with this turtle. It's so fluffy I'm gonna dieeeee~!!!!

And on top of it I got a backpack that's really cute (something I've been looking for ever since I got here and realised I didn't want to have lopsided shoulders). So yay! Saw some fishies, some turtles, got a backpack, ate some dumplings (did I mention the dumplings? om nom nom), and sat on a train for a total for about 4 hours during rushour. YEAH!

Signing out~


1 comment:

  1. The turtle is so cute and the aquariums...well that is something else. Thanks for the pics it is great well worth the train ride.
