Monday, July 25, 2011

Korean Highschoolers~!!!

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted! A LOT has happened since...last weekend? (WOW).

So I figure the biggest thing that has happened isssss: Camp in Bucheon with other Korean highschoolers!
We got to stay overnight on Saturday at a dorm/hostel thing with about...75 Korean Highschoolers? It was a lot of fun!!!!!

So going in order:
We left on Saturday morning at about 8:30 or 9:30 AM on a to the hostel thing about an hour later, went to a short orientation, and then got paired into groups! I was with Group One with the dark blue bandanas...and we were definitely best group ever. FO SHO.
I didn't get any group pictures (other people did though, so those should be on facebook soon), but I got some individual ones :)

After some ice-breaking activities, we were given a sort of scavenger hunt mission. First, we had to come up with a short logo-performance or something, then go to a Manhwa Museum (Korean manga, or comic books), and then go to a botanial garden and take a picture with some flowers.
Our short performance....didn't really go too well. The YES-International person judging them said that ours was too lame and made us redo it about 5 times. (His name was Youngmin, for future reference). So after our late start, we rushed onto a bus and went to the Manhwa museum (which I was actually really excited to go too...yes, yes, I am a nerd).

The museum wasn't really as cool as I had expected it to be, but I guess I can blame that on my preference for manga instead of manhwa xD

Some pictures...

Just for Angela, in case she's reading this ^_~

Sorry bad wasn't focusing, so I the wall didn't end up straight while I tried to fix it >.<

Some of my Korean friends! Eunjin, Jaekyeong, and Yaeyeong <3

This was the "Tree of Fame' or something like that? L-R: Abel, TaeKyung, Brett, and JinSeob

Making our own comic ;D
So the last photo regards my next part. While at the museum, we were supposed to make our own comic...but we had no idea what to do! So we made a comedy about Youngmin (the guy who wouldn't let us go with our "bad" performance) singing really badly at 노래방 (noraebang), then being rejected by his almost-girlfriend at 남산 (Namsan) Tower, and then eating some bad street food and having to go to the bathroom...but finding there was no toilet paper! I think it was a good representation of Korean culture, don't you? ^_~

We then rushed to the next bus to get to the botanical gardens...but we decided we didn't have time, so we bought some roses and found a park and took a picture. Fooled them perfectly >:D

Abel and our group leader, SaeHwan

Everyone on the bus!

My beautiful rose <3

Sitting exhausted back at the hostel
After that, we had dinner, practiced for our talent show the following day, and then spent the rest of the night chatting and playing games with our new friends! No pictures 'cause I was too busy playing, but it was fun. I learned a game called 달기 (Dalgi; strawberry) and 홍삼 (Hongsam; no idea what it means), and마니마니(Mani Mani; again, no idea). BUT THEY'E FUN. and very loud.

The next day, we had our talent show. Almost everyone in the program participated, and it was actually pretty awesome. Me and my group o about 10 danced to Roly Poly by T-ARA (look it up)!
We got first place and 10,000 Won gift cards (about 10 bucks). YEAH!
The video might or might not be up on youtube under my friend Elaine Huang's channel.
Gotta go! finish later :)

SO it was a really eventful weekend, and I made a lot of Korean friends :)


1 comment:

  1. I just realized you can feed your fish!! and they follow me as well!!
